Frequently asked questions
How much will your services cost?
Our hourly rates are like that of an experienced, high-quality accountant or estate planning lawyer.
Costs will depend on the work involved by our advisor and his team and will reflect how simple or complex your needs are. An initial plan and strategy for most of our new clients will cost around $3,000-$5,000, plus GST.
Alternatively, please email clientservice@providencgroup.com.au for a copy of our Financial Service Guide, which lists our current hourly rates.
How long does it take to receive advice and roll out my plan?
The onboarding process consists of two parts.
Part 1 – Prepare and present your plan and strategy.
From the day you agree to work with us, advice presentation takes from 4-8 weeks in most cases, depending on our workload at the time, your levels of responsiveness, and the complexity of your plan.
Part 2 – Implementation of your plan
From the day you sign off on the advice, implementing the plan can take 20-40 business days. Factors that impact the timeline include the complexity of your plan, the number of accounts and tax structures involved, whether funds are coming from a cash source or already invested money, and any account opening identification and anti-money laundering requirements.
At the end of your 2nd meeting with Simon, he will give you a personal timeline and discuss any potential roadblocks in the process.
Do you have access to my money?
We do not. You remain in control of your money. You maintain direct access to your bank accounts, investment holdings, and super. We will have limited access to transaction processing with your consent.
All investment and super accounts remain in your name or are held on your behalf by an independent trustee or custodian.
How much involvement do I have in the decision-making process?
You have the final say on all strategic changes and investment decisions, including buying, selling, and holding assets. We provide the recommendations, but you decide.
Our aim is that there are no surprises by the time we present your plan, and your expectations are met or exceeded. This approach will give you the most value from our service and make implementing the plan a seamless next step.
Is it easy to get my money back if I change my mind or have a change of circumstances?
We hold all your recommended investments in liquid assets, such as shares, exchange-traded funds, or managed funds that you can sell within 2-5 business days. In all cases, you can check the price of these investments 24/7, so at any time, you can know the exact value of your portfolio.
How does my financial situation compare to other people like me?
While it is natural to be curious, comparing yourself to others with higher incomes or wealth can be discouraging. We help you focus on your progress and celebrate your achievements.
Some clients find it beneficial when we use benchmarks and financial ratios to assess their relative financial health so they know where they sit within a broad range.
What makes you different from other advisors?
I spent the first 15 years working in financial markets, including on sales trading desks in Tokyo, New York, London, and Sydney. I don’t know of many advisers with similar backgrounds working in the markets before moving into financial planning. This experience, I believe, has given me an edge and a deeper understanding of what works and what doesn’t work with an investment philosophy.
I’m confident in taking a DIY approach – why should I use you?
Some people prefer to “swap money for time,” in other words, given the time commitment required to manage their wealth and execute a plan, they would instead outsource this task. Having an adviser frees up their time to spend on other valuable things, such as time with their spouse, family, or friends, or their careers or outlets such as travel or volunteering.
Another key benefit of partnering with an advisor is having someone hold you accountable to help you stay disciplined and avoid impulsive decisions that could derail your goals.
Also, suppose you have other people who depend on the same financial outcomes as you (e.g., your spouse and children), and something happens to you. In that case, they have the peace of mind that a trusted family advisor is on their team and intimately knows and understands their situation, ready to help at any time.